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Culture for Success

At Eastern High we want all pupils to succeed in school and in life. The ‘Culture for Success’ has been created to help reward pupils and encourage them to perform to the best of their ability.

Why did we create the Culture for Success?

The Culture for Success is an inclusive rewards system that is aimed at all pupils within the school. It is based on the four R’s used in the school reporting system. Pupils are familiar with this and it also fits with the school vision and ethos. The idea of the reward system is to boost the confidence of pupils, encourage positive behaviour, promote a positive learning environment and develop a lifelong ethos for wanting to do well.

Why are we using the four R’s in the Culture for Success?

The school uses the four R’s to track pupils' learning. Creating a reward system that uses the four R’s will help familiarise pupils and parents with the key areas that the school is promoting in lessons and around the school.

What are the four R’s?

The four R’s are Resilience, Reciprocity, Reflectiveness and Resourcefulness. Pupils will be awarded either one or two green points depending on their attitude to learning and their behaviour around the school. The descriptors on how pupils will earn green points are shown on the poster attached below.

How many Green points can pupils get per lesson?

Pupils can receive either one or two points depending on their contribution, attitude to learning, behaviour and ability to contribute to the positive learning environment.

Culture for Learning

As mentioned on our values page, we acknowledge that young people are still developing not only physically, but also emotionally.   We therefore accept that they will make errors of judgement and misdemeanours will happen.   If we are to educate the whole child it is important that we educate students with regard to their misdemeanours, rather than give meaningless sanctions.   

Pupils should understand when they have ‘crossed a line’ and accept that there will be consequences, however, these ‘consequences will be educational in nature.   For example, detentions will explore the reasons an incident happened with the student.  Where there is a victim and a perpetrator, there will always be a restorative meeting to ensure issues are not only resolved, but that the perpetrator understands how the victim felt.  These meetings are part of our whole school approach to restorative practices.

The links below will provide you with further information, guidance and policy regarding our Culture for Learning.