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Mental Health for young people

Ongoing Mental Health support for your child

Arrange an appointment with your child's for tutor, House Support Office or House Manager to discuss your concerns.  They can let you know what support we can offer in school such as ELSA or our school counsellor.

Emotional Wellbeing Service.  Trained practitioners meet weekly with young people for individual or group sessions, to support them to develop strategies to manage their feelings.

Childline provides trained counsellors who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen to children.  This support is free and children can phone or email.

Over 12s       Under 12s

 Kooth offers free online counselling for young people.

NHS Moodzone

NHS Mental Health Apps

Kidscape – Advice and help for young people about bullying.

Bullying UK – Advice about bullying 

Heads Above The Waves – Raises awareness of depression and self-harm in young people, promoting creative and positive ways of dealing with the bad days. They have some positive coping techniques to share and feature other people’s stories to show that you’re not alone. They also have specific advice about lots of different things from coming out as LGTBQ+ to Surviving School to Telling Someone That You Self-Harm.


TESS (TEXT AND EMAIL SUPPORT SERVICE) - For women and girls affected by self-harm

Text: 07537 432444 (standard call charge applies)  Service open 7pm to 9.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Or and Click GET SUPPORT for email and online chat.  Or Tel: 0808 8008088 (FREE on landlines and most mobile networks)

Support for young people who self harm or have suicidal thoughts


The Amber Project offer individual and group support to young people who self harm.
The Jacob Abraham Foundation can offer support to families affected by suicide.

Samaritans Cymru– Free 24-hour helpline for anyone in emotional distress or thinking of suicide. They offer a safe place to talk at any time. They will look at your options, understand your problems and be there to listen. You don’t have to share your personal details. Call: 116 123 (24 hours a day 7 days a week). Welsh line: 0808 164 0123 (Varying times during the week).

Young Minds -  YoungMinds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. If you need urgent help text YM to 85258. Text support.

f you are worried about your child self harming or expressing suicidal thoughts, you can make an urgent appointment with your GP. Please contact school and let pastoral staff know - we can let you know more about the support that is available and offer your child support in school.

If you suspect that your child is at immediate risk of harm, take them to A & E.