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Vision, Values & Planning


Our vision is very simple.

In short, we strive to ensure every student who joins our learning community will leave at the end of their time with us, with the knowledge, capabilities and wherewithal to:

A Sustainable Future For All

In order to achieve this vision we believe in developing attributes and values in all our students that are sustainable throughout life.   This ethos is embedded throughout every aspect of school life and manifests itself through four pillars of sustainable practice.

Sustainable Approaches to Learning

The Literacy and Numeracy Framework

Quality of lesson planning

Tracking progress and using assessment information effectively

Project-based learning

Alternative provision 

Developing a Learning Community

Everyone, staff and students, are part of the learning community at Eastern High.  It is our aim to develop awareness that learning does not stop on leaving school, and to instil a thirst for learning that will carry on throughout life.   We encourage students to explore and discover independently where possible, but we are there to provide support, assistance and expertise when necessary.  

All our staff participate weekly in a continual professional development programme, in order to ensure we constantly review and improve our practice.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum aims to be personalised, meeting the needs of all individuals as far as practically possible.   We ensure all our pupils can access the curriculum effectively, so we place a high emphasis on the development of literacy, numeracy and the development of good habits in relation to learning, which allows students the opportunity to develop flexible, adaptable and independent learning skills, essential in the 21st Century.

Learning Support

Our Learning Support Team ensures that the needs of all students are met.  In addition to in-class teaching assistants we also provide one-to-one tutoring and small group work, focussing on literacy and numeracy as well as social skills.   Learning mentors also play a big part in supporting learners, both in and out of the classroom.  

Sustainable Partnerships & Relationships

Restorative approaches

Parental partnerships

Business and community partnerships

Culture for learning

Eastern High places a high emphasis on developing, and sustaining, healthy relationships and fostering effective partnerships both in school and throughout life.   We value diversity and aim to give everyone in the school an equal chance to learn, work and live, free from the action or fear of racism, discrimination or prejudice.

Pastoral Support

We are very proud of our pastoral organisation which boasts Vertical Tutor Groups, which we always aim to keep below twenty students per group.   Each group, which meets every day, has two tutors and contains three or four students from each year group.   This allows greater opportunity for peer mentoring and support. 

In addition to this, our tutor groups are divided into four Houses which are supported by two full time pastoral leaders/mentors and one academic leader.  

Restorative Approaches

We have started our journey to become a truly restorative school. A restorative school is one where relationships are at the heart of everything. Our aim is to build and maintain relationships within our school community, and repair relationships where there has been conflict or harm. We use restorative practices to provide high support and high challenge to restore or rebuild relationships when there has been a breakdown in communication or harm caused. Staff have been trained to manage this process and this approach is proven to help prevent the escalation of any disagreement or incident and develops methods to resolve potential conflict situations with those involved.

External partnerships

We have very close links with all the local primary schools and with Cardiff and Vale College, to ensure there is continuity and progression at each stage in your child’s education.  We also place high importance in developing links with local businesses and employers to ensure we maximise opportunities to extend our curriculum and bring relevance to the classroom.

Sustainable Body, Mind & Soul

  • Student leaders/ambassadors
  • Student Attendance
  • Staff and student wellbeing

This area focuses on developing a healthy mind and body, ready to enjoy all life has to offer, but also to cope effectively with its difficulties.  We aim to raise aspirations and develop high levels of confidence in all our pupils.


There are a large variety of after school clubs on most days of the week and the school actively seek out opportunities for students to get involved in a range of events and opportunities. These range from Art and Community projects to participation for example in the recently launched Police Cadets programme. Eastern High has one of the highest participation rates of all the schools in Cardiff for sporting events.  Our regular music, theatre and dance performances are always looked forward to by parents, staff and pupils as is our pupil produced ‘Eastern Chatter” magazine.   

Engaging students

We believe in developing the leadership potential and personal responsibility of all of all our pupils.  In their tutor groups, Students are given opportunities to be responsible for developing and supporting others in their day-to-day life in the school.    

We also have a strong Student Voice, which involves 4 House Councils with representatives from each tutor group, 4 Student Working Parties that cover the areas of Community, Environment, Health and Learning and Teaching and a School Parliament with representatives from each House. The Student Council are actively involved in recruitment, representing the school at community events and have recently received restorative approaches training.

We are currently developing Student Leaders who will be given responsibilities under each of the ‘Sustainability’ headings to fully involve them in the future development of the school.   

Addressing Special needs

The support pupils need may be academic, social, cultural or emotional and we have put into place a number of systems to support our inclusive view of education.  

Sustainable Resources & Environment

  • Preparing for our new building
  • Our Learning Resource Centre fully operational
  • Developing a positive, encouraging environment for learning

This focuses on developing an awareness of the importance of caring for and making the most of the resources we have within the environments in which we live.

Facilities and the New Build

Although we will be moving into a new building in September 2017, since April 2015, we have invested over £1 million on refurbishing and improving our current buildings.

The new build in which the students and wider community have contributed ideas will incorporate many environmentally friendly and energy saving features.  Our aim is to create a building which will have sustainability as a central theme. 

Information and Communication Technology

The school is ICT rich with six dedicated ICT classrooms and several class sets of laptops.  We also have excellent music technology and design technology/graphic suites.

One of the major concerns parents have in the 21st century is ensuring that their child is using ICT appropriately and safely.   We see it as a major role for schools today to address this issue. We encourage students to use ICT when it is appropriate, but not extensively.   We also have excellent monitoring software which can pick up on inappropriate use.  

We are now a cashless school, where students or parents can add money to our system via pay points or credit or debit card.  We use a finger print recognition system in order to pay for food bought on the premises.   This has the potential to allow parents to monitor online their child’s diet during school hours.


Our vision is underpinned by a set of core values and beliefs:

  • We show grit, respect and understanding, by being ready, respectful and safe.
  • A sense of belonging encourages confidence and growth. 
  • We accept that young people are still developing, physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • As educators it is our responsibility to address the developmental needs of the whole child.
  • In the 21st Century a teacher’s expertise increasingly lies in their understanding of how young people learn rather than simply their subject knowledge.
  • Collaboration fosters confidence, creativity and reciprocity.